库中只有ARM模式的?A模块,没有Thumb的?T模块,如何混合编程呢,请大虾再麻烦一下,参考下边文字重编译一下吧,小菜万分感谢! INTERWORK Compiler Directive Abbreviation IW Arguments None. Default NOINTERWORK μVision Options — CA — Misc Controls. Description The INTERWORK directive instructs the compiler to generate veneers for ARM/Thumb instruction set intermixing. The CARM Compiler automatically inserts ARM/Thumb interwork code when a function is called from a different ARM/Thumb mode. The INTERWORK directive is unnecessary (and actually wastes code space) in most of these cases since the compiler inserts interwork code only where required. When building libraries, the automatic facilities of the compiler to determine intermixing are ineffective. Subsequently, libraries that are instruction mode independent require both ARM and Thumb entry points. The INTERWORK directive solves this problem.