CH32V003J4M6 (PWM, ADC) - Request for example Code for PWM and ADC on CH32V003J4M6 using MoonRiver Studio II

Hello everyone. I am currently working on a project involving the CH32V003J4M6 microcontroller and MoonRiver Studio. However, I am finding it challenging to properly configure the pins for PWM and ADC operations.

Could you kindly provide me with exams code or a basic example to help me get started with PWM and ADC on this specific MCU using MoonRiver Studio? Any guidance or resources you could share would be immensely helpful.

Thank you very much for your time and assistance.

Hello, official EVT download link: Here are ADC and PWM related routines for reference. If you have any further questions, please contact us via email: 

Thank you,  all working it. Remove my topic here please!
