CH555 USB使用碰到点疑问
void USB_DeviceInit(void)
    IE_USB = 0; // 禁止USB总中断
    USB_CTRL = 0;

    D0_EP_MOD = bUX_DEV_EN | bUX_EP1O_EN; // 启用USBD0子设备,设置端点1为OUT,设置端点2-3为IN,禁用端点4-6
    D0_ADDR = 0x00; // 复位USBD0设备地址

    D1_EP_MOD = bUX_DEV_EN; // 启用USBD1子设备,设置端点1-3为IN,禁用端点4-6
    D1_ADDR = 0x00; // 复位USBD1设备地址

    HB_ADDR = 0x7F; // 将收到的数据直接转发到D0

    USB_IF = 0xFF; // 清空USB中断标志寄存器
    USB_IE = bUX_IE_SUSPEND | bUX_IE_TRANSFER | bUX_IE_BUS_RST; // 使能<总线挂起&唤醒&复位,数据传输完成>中断
    USB_CTRL = bUX_DP_PU_EN; // 使能USB复合设备,启用DP内部上拉1.5K电阻
    IE_USB = 1; // 使能USB总中断




    HB_ADDR=0x7F; 这句代码是从官方提供的实例代码照抄的,它的作用是什么? USBHUB的地址不需要上位机分配吗?







to be fair i dont know the ch555 in detail but the header looks like the usual E52 core. Must be a new chip.

check this out:

   SETB  P    ;copy LED_DMA into DPTR1

This is definately wrong the parity bit is read only! How would changing the parity bit help anyway?

Maybe they want to enable bDPTR_AUTO_INC, which would make sense for coping data. AutoInc is potentially dangerous, thats why they disable all interrupts.

Yes, i just can see copy LED_DMA to DPTR1 in asm file, but i don't know why need do that.

I don't know how the LED Scanner work.

I want to know the meaning of the asm function, which may be very helpful for me to write programs.

well i am guessing here..

that movx seems just to eat cycles

same as the movc for code access. (movc is slower therefor just 8 movc)

or possibly that triggers something internally. I cant see anything in the datasheet to support this theory.

further i have no idea how they control DPTR to have the correct value on entry.

The rest of the code seems for keyboard prepare

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